Southern Oregon Behavior Consultation

Professional Behavior Consultation, Educational Assessments & Training for Adults, Children & Families

~SORBC's Philosophy~

Behavior is a form of communication. 

Undesirable behavior is a skill deficit, functional communication that can be learned. 

Therefore, we know behavior can change IF...

We learn the skills that are lacking & have the tools to achieve it.

Take a quick look at the services offered below. 

Take a deeper dive by clicking on the links (underlined in light blue) throughout the website. 

They are resources provided just for you.

Then send an email if you have questions and/or fill out a referral form!


Behavior Plans

Functional Behavioral Assessments

Positive Behavior Intervention Plans

Safety Plans including self-harm and harm to others


Social/ Relationship Skills

Vocational planning

Visual Systems for home/school/ vocational


Collaborative Problem Solving

Training for families/staff/ care providers

Please see the Services page and complete a referral so we can get started today!