Contact Information
Accessing Services - General:
Email for questions or send a text (All calls go to a voicemail system).
Complete the Behavior referral form by clicking the Referral button below. This form provides basic information regarding concerns/needs & contact information. The form is confidential.
Accessing Services - ODDS:
Email for questions or send a text (All calls go to a voicemail system).
Contact your case manager through DD Services and request behavior supports to be added onto your ISP. Once ISP supports have been added, you can have the state pay for a behavior plan and behavior supports.
Complete the Behavior referral form by clicking the Referral button below. This form provides basic information regarding concerns/needs & contact information. The form is confidential.
December Tueller, Ed. S.
School Psychologist &
ODDS Behavior Consultant
Jackson County, Oregon
Thank you for your time and interest. I look forward to hearing from you!